البرنامج الرائع موبايل ماستر للتحكم وادارة الهواتف المحمولة
البرنامج يمكنك من التحكم فى الاسماء والملفات الصوتية والفيديو والرسائل الخاصة بك
كما يمكنك من ارسال الرسائل بعد كتابتها بأجمل الاشكال لانك ترسلها من الموبايل ولكن عن طريق لوحة مفاتيح الكمبيوتر
البرنامج مميز فى نقل الملفات بين هاتفك المحمول وجهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك بسهولة ويسر
Mobile Master is a professional software for mobile phone management and SMS communication that can be used to exchange data between mobile phone and PC. Manage and Synchronize mobile phones professionally via cable, infrared, or Bluetooth, the system automatically detects the mobile phone and assigns it its own profile, making it possible to manage several phones without creating chaos with the data. An assistant helps with the settings. Even users with no prior knowledge can, for example, download their phone’s address book data to the PC with just a few mouse clicks. Mobile Master allows you to edit and synchronize calendar entries (appointments and tasks) has included Logo-Editor and ring tone modifier. Mobile Master Agent wiil help you to reach always the important functions easily and start e.g. Mobile Master automatically as soon as your mobile phone is connected to the PC. Copy Station is for transmitting your address book easily from one phone to the other.
Mobile Master lets you to send, read, archive SMS Note: the SMS Servant is included in the Mobile Master installation but requires an extra license.
حجم البرنامج = 21.5 ميجـــــــــا
الترخيص : مجانى
الترخيص : مجانى